Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some more pics...Couple of volunteers from the UK on their way to Adelaide, Aussiland. They were very helpful and good fun to have around. We also discovered that Turtle eggs are perfect for beer pong, just kidding. This is a green turtle egg harvested by Kasim the local man in the village who has been collecting eggs for alot of years.
Also you will see that my guitar shrank in the airpot and I have been forced to deal with all the local kids making fun of my small guitar...aka ukele.
Looks like scuba steve is on the loose again...this time he's found some very rare Swedish girls!

1 comment:

  1. scuba steve you dog! what does scuba stand for? Looking forward to April Fools day tomfoollery. Soak up the rays cuz its cold up here!
