Saturday, January 10, 2009


What ever you do, never hike 6 miles in flip flops, especially if you just came from the land of wool socks and boots. Let me learn the lessons for you!!

Anywho...I digress. I took a lovely walk through Singapore today. This city is lovely and it was sunday so all the churches and temples were in full occupation. The streets here are, as Fin says, "clean enough to eat off of". I am impressed. The city is also well laid out, with major roads well paced throughout the entire city, so traffic is impressivly always on the move and I mean moving....don't forget they drive on the other side of the if your on a flip flop walkabout with a beer head remember to always check for comes from the other way. The cars are also immaculate. They don't allow old jallopies on the road, so all the vehicles are new, not to mention once again they get the cream of the crop of all the makes and models. What is wrong with America...if we had half this selection I'd be happy.

So, I managed to get to the marina from Little India where I am staying and that was about all my puppies could handle. I may have pressed on but the afternoon sun was cooking and I was wearing out. I took a break at a little outdoor cafe...of which there are many and there also open 24/7, which comes in handy when your hanging with the Aussie and Brit crowd. They are all very good assuming you like indian, chinese, thai and vietnamese food...ding, ding, ding...winner! Just don't listen to the little woman who says the peppers aren't hot. Boy, I am a rookie! Anyway very good food. Cheap as well. I think the most I paid for food and drink was 4 Singapore Dollars which is about 3 and change US dinero. It the beer that'l spank your pocket book...$10 a pint. No mas por favor.

Well, I head to Mersing tomorrow and from the sounds of it Monsoon is late so things are developing in the South China Sea, according to my oceanography friend I meet last nite. So, that means I may end up haning in Mersing for a few days waiting on the ferry. Wish me luck...stay tuned. I'm still working on the pics...I ain't no IT guy!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having fun! It great to be able to follow your trip while your away. Get some good cooking tips, we like a sampling when you get back. Be safe and dodge all Monsoons... Love, Cin
