Friday, January 9, 2009


Well...first of I'd like to say thank you for the wonderful going away the other night. A painting party/going away was an excellent idea. I meant to post the pics, but have had some trouble post pics...I'll try again.

Well all was smooth, aside for the talky army gal that sat beside be, "Major Pain in my ass" from Seattle to tokyo. Oh yea, I guess I missed that small detail. I thought I was flying into Hong Kong...whoops, I meant Tokyo. Wonderfully easy to navigate and amazing lavatory facilities. Anyway I ended up taking some Ambeint to ease the flight and knock me out...I watched the Duchess and ate one pill and was down for the count..for about 8 hours. Woke up feeling fresh in Tokyo, but still had a 7 flight to Singapore, so I ate one surely did the trick ,but I as a bit woozy when aking in Singapore.

Customes was a breeze and found a Taxi no problem...this city is reallly neat and clean....air temp at 1:00 am is abouy 77. I headed to the hostel which I had booked a room at only to find out they booked it for last night and had no more rooms available until tomorrow. So, I am allowed to hang out and use the internet as I wish until noon when I can crash. I figure I better stay up while I can and try and get on a routine. I'm going to stay in Singapore for 2 days before headed up to Malaysia.

I'll work on keeping everyone posted, but for now know that I am safe.

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