Thursday, January 29, 2009

Right near the beach...

Well..I must start by saying that I miss spoke about my friend Kay and her son Graham. He is in a coma however and the level of braindamage is very severe. I guess the doctors recommended lethal injection, but they refused...hoping that prayer and time will heal him. He is in good hands in Honolulu and although he is incapacitated at this time he has been showing signs of will and fight. Send good energy.

All else in Tioman is going smooth. We have been pounding away on floor boards and I finally bartered a surf board from the local surf shack for some wax that I brought. I've been getting my lumps on the surf, waves are fairly good size and I'm riding a much smaller board than I am used too, but I am gonna get it. The local kids are quit good and surprisingly friendly. Alot of them infact paddled up to me to say hi and tell me there names. There are a few that are pretty skilled and they stack up on the line up as if theres nothing to it. When you go for a wave they cheer you, so it is really fun. I'm sure as I build some strength and endurance I'll be able to hang, but they surf for about 4 hours at a time, I'm only good for about an hour and a half my arms are toast, so I'm on a steady regiment of push up and sit up to try and catch up.

We've also had a few visitors come through to see two of the turtle we have here at the sanctuary year round. We care for them because one is blind and the other has a bad air sac, which is constantly inflated and he can't dive or swim straight. We keep them in a large pool and feed them fish and squid. Abit of a stray from their algal diet, but they seem to like it. Refilling the pool is a bit of a workout, about 600 buckets worth of back breaking sprints up the beach. Everyone chips in though so it is a great time to all hang out.

At the lagoon where I am staying there are about 4 staff, all local Malay. There is Lily the cook, I try to stay on her good side. Jasmine her husband and all around handy man. Bedin, who is a surfer and helps where needed. And Ton, he shares the chalet next to mine, but doesn't speak any english so I usually just play the Ukele for him and he seems to like that. Aside from that there is Charlie and myself and a new guy Mike who is from Wales and has been here before so he knows quit a bit about the area and is a good guy to have around. He is also quit a surfer so he has been whiping me into shape. He just got done with a 3 month bike ride across australia, and came straight here, so he got a few stories to share as well.

Well that is all for well and Salamat Malam.


1 comment:

  1. Andy, I am definitely sending some prayers your friends way, I know it's hard to be so far away and get news like that. Sounds like you are getting more into a rythmn, it may be hard to leave ~ sounds like you have gorgeous scenery. We are doing well! as usual busy running around, we have been seeing a ton of deer in the field infront of the house. We had another snow day last week ~ but it was too cold to outside ~ remember we don't have the equipment on hand here like we did in it's fun. Love ya! Cin
