Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jan 6..Two days before leaving.

With so much in disarray around the world I fell very much blessed to be able to embark on a journey to a new place. In two days I venture out to Singapore. From there I am going to travel via bus and ferry into the South China Sea...destination, Tioman Island. 

While on Tioman I will be helping TAT turtle sanctuary continue to finish facilities that will be used in all their endeavors helping to save the green and hawksbill turtles. I am excited to see this beautiful island and happy to be a part of something positive for these unique sea creatures.

During my time and travels I will attempt to update this site weekly, so that everyone can enjoy learning about this place and the culture. You may also get a taste of my personal feelings and conditions as I'm sure life will be a bit different for me. 

Thank you all for your interest. 
"Be the change you want to see in the world" ghandi



  1. pavone,

    this is great. i was just reading in national geo about a giant turtle that swam from indonesia to like mexico and back. wow.

    i have to go look up tioman island.
